Hillbilly Elegy
Long time ago
Before I learned I was going to die young
Singing by a virginal in a barrelhouse
I sang of trees, windless days, and empty
Vast horizons stretching for miles over
Southbound trains, a long time ago
In Dryden, Texas
Snaking wildly over forbidden
Railroad tracks deep into the scarlet pines;
Somewhere inside the woods I played
Around a virginal
Tin sandwich in my mouth; and I learned
How young I was going to die having ridden
The blinds of a Southbound train coming into
Dryden, Texas as I murmured
Sibilisms death bells ringing inside
My head sinuously the train had made
Its way to a forsaken land
On the Day of the Dead I heard the
Wistful toll of bells by twilight like
R.L. Burnside they rang and I sung around
A virginal
Impending thunder on the horizon;
The good Lord speaks like so His Word
Is key and in our constitution
It reads all men are equal in
The eyes of God who created the trees
Sadly swaying in the breeze, above
A backyard where I used to walk home
From school dragged my feet the good Lord
Spoke; awful is His creation
Even the lunatic dog, drooling who
Would bark viciously gnawing at the
Neighborly fence post hankering for my
Flesh and blood as the trees swayed sadly
In the breeze sashaying branches like
Luckless promises and the fallen
Leaves red as fervent remorse; the dog was
Black, awful is the Lord’s creation
Mark how she is smitten by pure bloodlust
I told my dad he tried to put
The problem off created a black
Tarp to divide our houses still
She screamed like a Fury remember her
Eyes ablaze; inimical as Cerberus
Furiously writhing behind the
Lattice trellising pipes cranked in
Green verdigris and all the trees swayed
In sad susurrus; she began
Attacking children ripping them
To shreds how strange the owner thought
She’s always had teeth why so violent
Now-why shouldn’t she be? The laws of
Nature dictate that she kill, pillage
And burn I saw her as a pup
Meek and helpless long before she attacked
A child the blood stained gleaming arch
Of ivory deep within the wooded
Combes, and yet all the other parts besides
The death are true-she was violent
And stood behind gates of horn
Enmity seething seeking to adorn
The stoop of my house with my own
Blood, when she began attacking
Children out of respect for the dead
The owner put her down completely
No more guns to protect children from wild
Vicious hounds plaguing the streets of our grange
With their merciless desire, nor mean
Avariciousness till the pulse of our country
Died beating like a heart endowed
With some sick disease ready to self
Destruct as the moon began bleeding
But still-why is she so violent now?
When she began teething she never acted
This way (turns out the dog in real)
(Life, was allergic to grass)

Andrew Duvé is a student in college and recently finished a manuscript titled Theatre Blues, for which he is looking for a publisher. It is a collection of poems intertwined with a short hybrid narrative that bleeds into the overarching theme, which is-of course-tripartite: "theatre blues" is British slang for a gown a hospital patient wears, the "blues" refer to the musical art form spawned by a unique blend of American history and originated by African-Americans during the Jim Crow era, and-with this in mind-one can finally think of Hamlet or any sad play involving lamentation as evinced so passionately in the music of 20th-century black Americans.
Contact: jfirneno@tulane.edu
Andrew recommends Culture Aid NOLA.