Andrew Duvé

Andrew Duvé is a student in college and recently finished a manuscript titled Theatre Blues, for which he is looking for a publisher. It is a collection of poems intertwined with a short hybrid narrative that bleeds into the overarching theme, which is-of course-tripartite: "theatre blues" is British slang for a gown a hospital patient wears, the "blues" refer to the musical art form spawned by a unique blend of American history and originated by African-Americans during the Jim Crow era, and-with this in mind-one can finally think of Hamlet or any sad play involving lamentation as evinced so passionately in the music of 20th-century black Americans.
Andrew recommends Culture Aid NOLA.
She’s always had teeth why so violent
Now-why shouldn’t she be? The laws of
Nature dictate that she kill, pillage
And burn I saw her as a pup