You belly to the suitcase and throw off a thousand
inside the first Thanksgiving of our foresight
inside the lackluster target
the insurmountable incremental
Flux me dripping in your full ardor costumed with unravelling; in the curved tender of split slits surfeits straddling across my logos in the frill of disclosure. Wrap me in the quick-sticky up-sifts of your cannot; over the bluster of surface.
the East Germany rife with butterflies sparkled in the night
the Western Germany full of west wood garlics glinted in the evening
the fall of the Berlin Wall was an indulgence
then shooting stars fell down
before he could think to speak the sky began to lighten the lake and the lake answered with lightening blue, undramatic
encircling cedars projected their long green reflections from the periphery in preparation for noon when the lake would glimmer
The triple threat of alcohol, Seconal and Dexedrine on your sheets. In a bowler hat, fishnet suspenders and a skin-tight tuxedo jacket I audition for the role of myself in the documentary of your life. It’s a glitter-and-doom aesthetic.
To which day-care guardians
Had exposed him, killing him
Softly with holiday chemistry.
So this becomes a fentanyl story,
I predict; I will die
Dirt will turn into poisoned dust
And when the planet turns desolate — and I trust that it will — only cold, lifeless rock —
Nobody will remember I was too shy to be an anarchist.
She says, You can’t unring a bell. But I’m a red Cadillac with a black mustache, and she’s a famous blue raincoat, an angel of the morning quoting the Sermon on the Mount. Blessed is the poet of wild horses and broken bicycles, she prays.
Put on your headphones.
Turn on the television.
Bury your nose in a book.
We all do it. We turn our
back on what’s important.
you can’t just keep
walking around with a
fever of 104° and
expect all the pieces
to fit
they scrape what is left
with fingers stained with
blood and lint, another
excuse preached through
a sermon of semantics,
I am an intensely rational person My average walk Sometimes nationality comes in the form of deception Absorbed in logical problems purely mental Just figuring so fear comes around grabbing you back over do you hear no sound
Remember Vince’s saucy smile
as he tonged them from sizzling grease?
Each plated on its own square
of paper towel? Remember the pics he sent?
He was known to worship
women and at the local temple
where Pullman and Rowling are forbidden
for suggesting magic can be yours
and salvation isn’t from the gods
cows walk on the serpentine ramp on the way down to the slaughterhouse. and shauna says he was not meant to feel anything anyway and
shauna says she still sees the yo-yo man sometimes
Revenant, your reflection glows on a gold shield in the tombs,
Though you still hide like a wayward shadow concealed in the tombs.
What a dinner party we have when I call them
to the table, each beloved face shining with appetite.
And you, others, so many dead or dying, whether or not
I know you, all I write now is your elegy.
a simple find &
replace command
where you are
the one replaced
& I am found
to be the product
Japan is destroyed by Hagabis, a super typhoon,
a case of climate change in motion,
as I lay upon the wet grass underneath the moon.
I wake up and the room is strewn with bones.
All of mine are still inside me, but there’s a rumpled pile of flesh
in the bed next to me, splatters of red all over the wall
the film camera in the corner knocked on its side and recording
With the zygote of first thought came a host
of consequence, gatherers plant seeds
in brutish light, invent furrows and farming
women told to bathe in the Elysian fields
no man on earth,
no matter how large and strong he is
is able to slowly suffocate me
by taking over my lungs from the inside,
the way the disease inside of me can
the river Flurp when mentioned
may call up images and sounds
which combined may not be deemed
fit for polite conversation
as well as etiquette-related criticism
She knew what joy was like:
a frantic fuck to summon the missing ghosts of her ancestors
those who abandoned us
we’re alone in this building of random communications
I am a famous artist who discovered in my early thirties that
drinking a full glass of a secret mixture derived from boiling
a certain OTC pill with a [name withheld] OTC ointment
for 1 hour on a low flame gave me the dexterity, vision, and stamina
to paint murals in hundreds of villages across North America.
The stronger the archconservative, the more held over anyone else.
The more who’re here, the more who’re expecting.
The madder the hatter, the more hungry the hats.
The more the man in the moon sings, the better anyone sleeps.
who is hiding in military uniform
except children who lack something
and children who are trying to take something away from them?
And you say, whoa, doan be droppin
those ’od·damn, ’od·awful Gee’s
you break ’em you
flush ’em, right?
There’s this guy at the bus stop with a heavy face carved from water. We nod, but we don’t speak. There were these guys in Target, circling as my girlfriend shopped for men’s polo shirts, orbiting us on some unseen current, men twice our height, watching us with disbelieving eyes.
As I stood at the first ground zero, I once
Again shuddered to feel the pull of madness
(though I knew not if it was my own or some
Remains of that evil which brought the fire
And brimstone of a world wide war….)
I'm barely able in a dream to juggle, as if in a steaming jungle, as if underwater. Swept by ten, by ten a.m. and by ten men, the data mine bears profane fruit. What causes blue hallucinations and has wheels.
Remember that
you were once golden
standing tall with dignity.
Now the gold has darkened to sepia
and dignity is dying.
Soon the rivers will be
running with dead fish again.
Down at your feet,
a bumblebee struggles to keep aloft;
It was a swift and menacing time.
One of the local dogs was having a phantom pregnancy.
Things were leaving one place and showing up in another.
It was springtime when I arrived, an east wind blowing,
an uncanny wind as it turned out.
I’m pretending to be you, Daddy. I’m biking to the meeting and I see an aquarium in someone’s trash and I think, I want that, so I get off my bike and hide the aquarium between two bushes and then I get back on the bike and go to the meeting.
The misdemeanors broke their rock all day. We felons pushed ours up the mountain of our crimes. And there at the summit the setting sun swallowed us. Even imagined prisoners need rest. The body has limits; bones obey the dark law.
if the can, once opened,
can never again be sealed,
what happens when the nutrients
are more greedy than green
“Who are we fighting?” asked a farmer who stopped his wagon to watch the firing squad form up. Everything that wasn’t predator was prey.