"Red Light," "2019 Was a Very Hot Year," and "Blindly Bubbled"
Red Light
At first, we girls were sold on the idea the red light would make our hair grow. We hoped placing the laser cap on our heads would stimulate and strengthen the follicles. We believed lush hair would make us appear trendy, youthful, and vibrant. We didn’t want to show our scalps. We wanted to be seen and heard, not disregarded. We wanted to fit in, to belong. Perhaps we were wrong about the red light. Maybe instead of growing our hair, it would make our hair fall out. What if we had it on our heads too long? Would it burn us? Make us bleed? Give us brain cancer? We’re all going to die someday, but we don’t want to die now. So, we put it on our heads. It lights us up like a nightmare.
2019 Was a Very Hot Year
As I lay upon the wet grass underneath the moon
heat is being added to the oceans
surrounding me like a cocoon.
Japan is destroyed by Hagabis, a super typhoon,
a case of climate change in motion,
as I lay upon the wet grass underneath the moon.
While Harvey's rains fell in the afternoon,
the city flooded with ruination
surrounding me like a cocoon.
Over time my body allows acclimation
while the Earth makes its rotation
as I lay upon the wet grass underneath the moon.
I suffer with aggravation
from the destruction of creation
surrounding me like a cocoon
knowing it will be soon—
the source of our eradication.
Blindly Bubbled
Massive bubble-wands
release iridescent balloons
above fervently praying
people on the hillside;
fanatics for their god,
“As the containers release,
you’ll be purified.”
The faithful suffocate
one by one
as the bubbles pop and drop
toxic chemicals.
Sensing imminent death,
a woman flees the crowd.
Racing into canopied trees;
leaves rustle as she propels
through small openings in the
dog-hair-thick underbrush.
The scent of bark, damp moss,
and pine needles guide her—
she survives.

Kathi Crawford founded People Possibilities, LLC in 2008, and is a business/career coach based in Houston, TX. Her writing has been featured in various literary journals, both online and in print. Her chapbook, consider the light, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press. You can connect with her on Instagram or LinkedIn @kathicrawford and subscribe to her blog at https://kathicrawford.com/. Kathi recommends Leaders We Deserve.