"Vale," "Wurlitzer," and "Solipsis ellipsis or: The Circular Runes"
The days pass by anonymously. I have lost track of time. Whatever part of my mind it is that writes poetry has turned to jelly. I scratch at it. My claws sink in but I find nothing solid. I go outside, to stand naked under the full moon. I dare not shout out at it for fear the neighbors will hear me & call the police. The owls do not come, the cat deserts me, the fruit-bats are too busy squabbling in the mango tree to pay any attention. I am embarrassed at how small I am in the pale light. Trains go by in the distance, diesel- &/or electric-powered. No longer any steam. An icon of childhood gone forever. I try to move. My emphysema betrays me. The jelly in my head leaks out from my eye-sockets. Drawn to it, the owls finally arrive. I do not see them leave.
A jukebox im-
planted in the
mind. Organic. Full
of mnemonic pop
songs that, aug-
mented by place
or space or shared
experience, have
a greater depth
than their origi-
nal release. An
association — until
the jukebox fails.
Then a melancholy.
Solipsis ellipsis or: The Circular Runes
This is about
me. If you appear
it is oversight,
an errant imagining
easily fixed by
a simple find &
replace command
where you are
the one replaced
& I am found
to be the product
of someone else’s
erratic imagination.

Mark Young's most recent books are the May 2024 free downloadable pdf to your scattered bodies go from Scud Editions, One Hundred Titles From Tom Beckett, with paintings by Thomas Fink, published by Otoliths in June, 2024, & Alkaline Pageantry, published by Serious Publications in September, 2024. His The Magritte Poems will be coming out from Sandy Press later this year. Mark recommends the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.