Oz Hardwick

Oz Hardwick is a European prose poet and academic, whose work has been widely published in international journals and anthologies. He has published “a dozen or so” full collections and chapbooks, most recently A Census of Preconceptions (SurVision, 2022), which was shortlisted for the 2023 Rubery International Book Award. He has won many prizes, mostly at fairgrounds and pub quizzes. Oz is Professor of Creative Writing at Leeds Trinity University. Oz recommends the MS Society.
Because as child after child falls into the world, someone has to catch them, wrap them up in donkey skin, and coax them into the feverish ballroom that only opens its doors once in every lifetime.
There’s been a slump in law since lies became facts, matched by a retail surge since truth’s been discounted. On the boarded-up high street, drizzle-damp cups call out for change in three-for-two offers and buy-one-get-one-free deals to assuage any guilt that may still cling.