Jeff Harrison

Jeff Harrison has publications from Writers Forum, Persistencia Press, and Furniture Press. He has e-books from BlazeVOX and Argotist Ebooks. His poetry has appeared in An Introduction to the Prose Poem (Firewheel Editions), Noon: An Anthology of Short Poems (Isobar Press), three Meritage Press hay(na)ku anthologies, Sentence: a Journal of Prose Poetics, Otoliths, Moria, and elsewhere. Jeff recommends the American Red Cross.
Blaise Pascal's dead,
with reeds still tigers
once she loved laboratory mud
obscurely knew rascality and palmistry
never sport, seldom a wink
they gowned only ink &
ink haunts their hands yet, never so tremulous &
literary as when cherubs're
smeared between'm,
& you, too-
I, more, I inched all drenched
blooded for thee a sight to enjoy
but glumly she bird then just die
from now on the money's
about sentences
if you think you can place
that surprise litany
around your eyes