"what for," "the F-name," and "es flat minor"
what for
sit and hit share
now don't be overly surprised
if the next word
to come to mind
should fail to be
difference in vowels then
would seem to be
more memorable
than that in consonants
and is one aware
of time difference when saying
five letter words
or four letter words
the next word to come to mind:
the F-name
the river Flurp when mentioned
may call up images and sounds
which combined may not be deemed
fit for polite conversation
as well as etiquette-related criticism
('why so name a river and if so named
why mention it at all or if a thought experiment
why experiment with thoughts of Flurp?')
whether or not Pumpernickel naming
a kind of hard to digest rye bread
has anything to do with past Bavarian slang
for farting devil or devil's fart lacks proof
(the proof of the pudding is in the eating)
what about personal names then?
what would your own choice be? not
Flurp for sure
not Flurp Pumpernickel
at a guess
es flat minor
nose the word
shares with it half
its consonants
the word nail all
of itself
a selfie gone slimy
a snotty word

Levi Wagenmaker lives in the Netherlands or in France. He is not famous, and has no wish to be. Levi recommends Médecins Sans Frontières.