"The Other Half," "Excerpt from an Unknown Last Act," and "Then Your Pet Hamster"
The Other Half
having read milton is far more
enjoyable than reading him
a long-winded crank & religious
nut not unlike my cousin tony
a constant bible thumper at least
he is after serving time
again like milton only not for free
speech & censorship but going
through a messy divorce tony down-
loaded a misunderstanding he
maintains or entrapment as his court-
appointed legal aid argued
who wouldn’t want to see hot naked girls
nevertheless he went to jail
which was very embarrassing
for his family which technically
I am although adopted of course
this is not to imply that milton
for all his convoluted syntax
ever did anything whatever
your opinion of paradise
lost or samson agonistes even
half as bad but to be fair
there was no internet
back then only a basic apple
in the way of temptations
plus milton was blind yes
I know what you’re thinking
& no he didn’t get that way
from jagging off however hard
he might have tried & neither did
my idiot cousin who though not blind
required surgery on his right eye
socket after brutally beaten
in prison so he sees only half
the world & not the good half either
Excerpt from an Unknown Last Act
no known recording of rex harrison
speak-singing edgar allan poe’s the bells
exists its weirdly lilting rhymes spilling
out from a ghoulish version of my fair
lady never staged a dreadful loss
for humankind like shakespeare’s lost plays
or the soviet union’s collapse
I do a pretty good impersonation
of harrison but who can do shakespeare
justice & not chafe or worse from wearing
cheap nether hose also let’s not forget
what became of russia not to mention world
sad thing that it is after gorbachev
unpaid workers who lost their lifesavings
gunned down along with children in the streets
does boris yeltsin ring a bell does
quasimodo such tragedies are why
we want more shakespeare so we can see what
love’s labour’s won is like already knowing
about losing why we could use every
now & again some small reminder that
you needn’t be a singer to sing
that we can make a song from anything
for instance poe’s ham-fisted poem why we
need someone to oppose america’s
global stranglehold & endless cycle
of war before there’s nothing left of this
earth to fight over c’mon rex old boy
rise from the dead & give us one last song
Then Your Pet Hamster
burst into flames while
running on his wheel
you claimed eyeballing
the fat persian next
door licking a paw
on the steps its black
& white coat in your
twisted vision singed
off but that prank got
fucked-up sideways &
you burned down the house
with the two spinsters
asleep inside no
one knew what you did
but each time you passed
you’d see them rising
from the rubble like
so much smoke their long
gray faces nothing
save cinder & soot
in high school you stood
outside mesmerized
by humongous clouds
spewing out blackened
broken windows of
what was usually
fourth period math
as firetrucks arrived
with all the usual
bells & whistles
to battle the blaze
the blonde reporter
said on live tv
with you over her
shoulder like hitchcock
in a cameo
details at six
now everybody knew
who you were sleeping
with by the love burns
left on arms & legs
although if it were
serious well let’s
pretend it didn’t
reach that point often
enough to merit
further discussion
still the little fun-
damentalist church
prayed having survived
the conflagration
by the grace of god
transfigured into
jesus rays & rain
that you’d wed for it’s
better to marry
reverend kendall read
from the book of paul
splotchy palms lifted
toward the hole in the
ceiling yet unfixed
than to blah blah blah
& still the rumors
ran rampant as kids
through freshly raked piles
of leaves just begging
for a match that you
had not only dropped
out of school but off
the grid completely
but every now &
again you sent up
a flare a factory
explosion outside
of town a homeless
shelter burning down
on 6th avenue
a veritable
inferno at an
urgent care center
out in the sticks &
a series of fires
sweeping through the south-
side like sherman’s lost
ghost each incident
by itself appeared
unrelated but
if anybody
bothered to connect
the dots a picture
of you would emerge
your head shaven like
a tibetan monk
that’s how you returned
home to the surprise
of mom & pop who’d
rented your room to
help with the expenses
since the neighborhood
hardware store they’d run
had gone up in smoke
they apologized
profusely but you
declined waving your
hand as if to say
you understood the
night the house caught fire
flames climbing the steps
refusing to let
the boarder despite
his insistent howls
by they pushed him back
pushed past the door to
his room your old room
ceiling collapsing
glass popping & danced
round & round snapping
breaking twisting &
doing the jerk so loud
were his piteous
shrieks you could hear them
from the other side
of the street where you
watched then just for kicks
after the unnamed
man pending police
of his family leapt
out the window those
crazy flames leapt too

Matt Morris is the author of Nearing Narcoma, winner of the Main Street Rag Poetry Award (selected by Joy Harjo), and Walking in Chicago with a Suitcase in My Hand, published by Knut House Press. His poems have appeared in various magazines and anthologies, including Unlikely Stories: Episode IV.