Jeffrey Side

Jeffrey Side has had poetry published in numerous magazines and on various poetry websites. He has reviewed poetry for Jacket, The Colorado Review, Stride, Acumen, and Shearsman. From 2005 to 2023, he edited The Argotist Online poetry website until its closure, which featured poetry, articles, interviews, and poetry ebooks. The poetry and ebook sections can now be found on two blogs: Argotist Online Poetry and Argotist eBooks.
His publications include Carrier of the Seed, Distorted Reflections, Slimvol, Collected Poetry Reviews 2004-2013, Cyclones in High Northern Latitudes (with Jake Berry), and Outside Voices: An Email Correspondence (with Jake Berry).
Discursiveness, particularly in its poetic form rather than its philosophical scope, serves as a mimesis of the thought processes, inherently descriptive in nature. It is often perceived as a way to mirror the way thoughts flow and evolve, rather than presenting a strictly linear or coherent argument.
Admit the truth
open the window
goodbye to houses and hello to farms
this is the way things are
out in the world