"The / most authoritative / news in Canada," "On / a hot / Texas summer night," and "A line from Zsa Zsa Gabor"

The / most authoritative / news in Canada

All gendered writings
about music are built on
the joint premises that
nuclear power still poses
grave dangers, & that
there are a plurality of
housing portions located
near one another which

might possess a harmonic
relationship. Confused
by the different levels
within the semantic elabo-
ration flow, she became a
nun. She consulted no one.



On / a hot / Texas summer night

To speak in parable, the
most vintage smoking
paraphrenalia is super light
& packable because it lets
you leave the poles behind.

Bird lovers describe the
valley as a veritable paradise,
will tell you that bird
watching not only changed
their lives but also caused

the U.S. stock-index futures
to rise. It's a scenario that
has come to be called "im-
pact winter" or "dancing on
dodecahedrons." I should be

out there as well, pounding
down the street, white t-shirt
slightly damp with sweat,
baseball cap shielding my
balding head from the sun.

The state space model in
this case, like any question
about ferrofluids, effects
a reduction in uncertainty.
Welcome to the anime store.



A line from Zsa Zsa Gabor

If dogs buy discounted paper-
backs, do they then start to
feel growing pains, or Pokémon
Monsters, or the specter of

fascism. See how they often
watch the clock, wondering
if the world around them
might just be a grand illusion.



Mark Young

Mark Young was born in Aotearoa New Zealand but now lives in a small town on traditional Juru land in North Queensland, Australia. He is the author of nearly seventy books, primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, memoir, and art history. His most recent books are a pdf, Mercator Projected, published by Half Day Moon Press (Turkey) in August 2023; Ley Lines II published by Sandy Press (California) in November 2023; un saut de chat published by Otoliths Books (Australia) in February 2024; and Melancholy, a James Tate Poetry Prize winner, published by SurVision Books (Ireland) in March 2024. Mark recommends the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.


Edited for Unlikely by Jonathan Penton, Editor-in-Chief
Last revised on Monday, July 2, 2018 - 11:41