Red Herring Leather Boots: ‘Gabriella Versacci’
for JoXXX XXXwart (i) (174, 175, 176) Gabriella Versacci was making spaghetti in the grasp of patriarchal capitalism when a sharp rap made her △ jump △ the thirty-three year old “housewife” in the ten years since since she & her partner had ▽ landed ▽ had always been in great demand ------------------------------------------------------ suddenly the car seemed to lose power, the headlamps flickered & cut out ... metaphor for creative processes #840 ... then the engine splut tered (/t3:d/) & fell silent but when the Mini came to a stop a metallic hand came down on her left shoulder made Gabriella face her assailant, gibbering & - one word - crashed Roswell, New Mexico around her fainting brain: “ROBOT” (ii) (176, 177) she finds herself in a circular room strapped naked except for her red herring leather boots to a table & wonders who has undressed her single malt whisky wrists bound to the table spread-eagled legs bound to the table ankles bound to the table while the robot stands inactive by a blank wall ... metaphor for P.S. #564(a) ... (iii) (176, 178) noticing her frequent glances toward the metalMickeyman one of the beings with numerous, disappointing typos & persistent grammatical & other errors says that it is a trained device that does all the manual work, merely a non-thinking intelligence that is programmed for certain tasks ... metaphor for P.S. #564(b) ... --- a thin pencil- like probe prods & a large black // rubber suction device is used on the area fifty-one around her groin (iii) (178, 179) itMickey?lifts the end of the blanket from the bottom & stares at her hairs, long & black body there is no visible emotion in its ______ its ______ boring into her she struggles with her bonds i) of patriarchal femininity ii) of iron y she pulls & she bucks & she XXXXXX at her moorings she tries to scream “” she tries to cry she tries to vomit but can’t, it is no good & she remains tethered (cf.: un-ditto, 3.2, I know you are reading me(,) over) toher socialthe altarthe table & then it places the lotion in the basket (&) a small pin on her thigh & Gabriella immediately stops struggling interpellated ✓ interpolated ✗ you think in the words that I taught you and my profit on’t is, I know how to curse (iv) (179) the pin device causes paralysis, numbing: she feels no pain I am quite surePorphyriaGabriella feels no pain but it climbs slowly on to the bottom of the bed “Oh my God,” she thinks, “XX XX raping XX”. she feels → its every move she feels → sick at its cold → alien touch her partner her daughters her sick friend in → Wellington → (q.v.) what would they “ ” → of this → she? (v) (179) when it finishes it slowly climbs back off she is not → aware of it having had an ... emission ... but it is not beyond possibility that she might ↙ ↘ rust become pregnant ↓ will the child be an alien ? how will she tell ↙ ↓ ↘ her the more partner Registrar generally of Births, Deaths & Marriages --- (CODING: DSM-5 297.1, FREQUENT SPOUSAL VIOLENCE IN, V. DOI: 10.9734/INDJ/2016/22583; “WARNING, WILL ROBINSON! WARNING!”)
Works cited
Nagaitis, Carl & Phillip Mantle. (1994). Without Consent: A Comprehensive Study of Missing Time and Abduction Phenomena in the United Kingdom. Poynton, Ches.: Ringpull Press.

Clay Thistleton has previously appeared at Unlikely Stories as a character in John Bryan's epic Love has been Liquidated. Clay has taught creative writing and literary studies in universities, community colleges and not-for-profit organisations for almost two decades. He is the author of Noisesome Ghosts (Blart Books, 2018): an Elgin Award nominated collection of found poetry that investigates the phenomenon of ghosts and poltergeists that have the ability to speak or write. His current project, Never Mind the Saucers (Stranger Press, forthcoming), examines documented instances of alien-human sexual contact. Along with his son Dylan, Clay lives in New South Wales, Australia with a fluctuating number of feral cats.