Re-Makes or Sequels
A Sardine on Vacation, Episode 70
The first 69 episodes of A Sardine on Vacation appeared in Unlikely Stories starting in 2003. The line to them can be found on my author page:
Another option to catch up on the Sardine is to buy the book. Amazon has limited copies but you can find a link on my Author page. Or you can email me: popesixtus at comcast dot net to buy the book for $5 (covering packaging and mail costs).
Initially, the Sardine pieces were written for newspaper syndication. The book version of the Sardine, of which there are 53 articles, follows this premise. However, after being rejected by nearly every syndicate, I found an online venue, Unlikely Stories, and modified the pieces for the Internet. For example, the Newspaper-Reading Public (N-R P) became the Logged-In Public (L-I P). Several of the book's articles did not go into Unlikely Stories; hence, the Episode numbers do not match. The post-book Sardines in Unlikely Stories start at Episode 48, "A Matter of Existence".
I will now give a capsule summary of the main characters.
The Sardine -- prickly commentator on the foibles of the society he inhabits in the articles
Frank Weathers -- wants the Sardine to see the practical side of life; counts his appearances in the articles
Joe T -- The 'T' stands for Tragedy. Joe has thousands of tragedies in his life. Bartends at The Attic, the Sardine's hangout.
Antigone -- daughter of Oedipus Rex; married to Joe T.
Benny McSelf -- entertainer at The Attic
Logged-In Public (L-I P) -- the mass irritant for the Sardine
God-Fearing Public (G-F P) – another irritant for the Sardine
McNulty -- a lawyer; father figure for (maybe even father of) the Sardine
Honey -- McNulty's long-suffering wife
Father Grindgrad -- blesses the truth of the Sardine articles; censor
Pun Pal – an entity from Australia with whom the Sardine engages in the lowest form of friendship.
Melinda -- the Sardine's long-suffering girlfriend
Oedipus Rex – father-in-law of Joe T; former regular at The Attic; currently in Assisted Living

Bob Castle, a.k.a A Sardine on Vacation has regularly published articles for Bright Lights Film Journal since 2000 and in 2020 his novel, The Hidden Life, was published.