"Media Messaging the Medium" and "Philatelic Finishing Act"
Media Messaging the Medium
poster engravings
to the flashgun tantrum
a charity horror chasm
stamping hard grandeur
in tragic off-day legacy
primordial transit
mark-up rinks
a paperboy decoys the master’s cappella
slowly through the skid
to the lasting tale
the sawtooth rumors
menace barkers calling
buzzards verbatim
hurricane misprints oiling slush
reverberation opalescent sermon
assigned thriller bible
from riches reaped at
a rapturing repository
the barbarian
independent horror
before bibliography disputes rupture veneer
wet vasectomies up divorcees stopcock
it’s the velvet
boldly rendered
in pane veneer
no rejections turned
a hippopotamus denied the loaded fate
sensual mark-ups
polka beauticians
as nostalgia skier
falls in mauve
Philatelic Finishing Act
nature’s vacuum serpents
torment the horny bricolage ramping
before the umpire
cuts the torment fee
a grief attribution
recycled relayed
to stamp out
postage metier
in setting
a duplex rendered
under singular circumstance
no plural divulged its other outlets
empirical or not
the strata filling
indulgence platters
precede the ghosts of praxis
with matter strands of words
along their pebbled beaches
coastal tidings held
the influence
a spherical countermand
deluxe seating on patio referenda
allegiance restricted
to modeling mayhem
where outlets deployed
stern window crossings
at every courtyard setting left
early for the meter

Vernon Frazer’s latest poetry collection is Voyage in Port. He recommends the Poetry Project at St. Mark's.