"Josh with Presumptuous Insight" and "Taking Shape in Times New Roman"
Josh with Presumptuous Insight
Disembodied spirits
are da strangest tings
and you nevah know
wen dey going pull dere tricks on you.
George, Kurt, and Frank
wen verbalize nutting
but dey still had lots to say.
Josh wuz mind wandering
and waiting foa da bus
wen some ghostly figures
came walking around da corner
to stand behind him
as he sat on wun bench.
Dey wuz looking ovah his shoulder
to see wat he wuz scribbling down
on wun note pad.
He kinnah turned his head slightly
and peripherally saw
dat even dough dey wuz faceless
dey seemed to be nodding together
in approval.
Right den da bus wen pull up
and Josh wen get on
to take his seat.
He den looked out da window
and watched da neighborhood pass by.
Turning his head
to gaze down da aisle
to da front of da bus
he surprisingly noticed
dat da curious nebulous beings
had also boarded
and dey now had facial features
and wuz looking back at him
wit eyes dat belonged
to Carlin, Vonnegut, and Zappa.
He saw dat dey wuz smiling
as dey floated to da ceiling
and disappeared from view.
Josh looked down at his note pad
to read his random observations
laced wit irreverence
humor and hard-edged truths
and realized
dat he wuz actually on to someting.
Taking Shape in Times New Roman
I got wun front row seat
to da golden shrine
and I stay looking at it
while I relate to da gleam.
No can describe it
cause it’s just wun natural flow.
Da only ting I can tell you
is to try to remembah wun apex
of wheahevah you wen go to
to finally get dere.
It’s da equivalent of dat.
Everyting in wun row
wit all da loose ends tied up.
It’s like biting wun magic apple
from wun sacred tree.
Whoa! Imagine dat!
Formless celestial entities
taking shape in Times New Roman.
I can go wheahevah I like go
to da edge of da universe and back
while I stand wit wun group
of devils and saints
on the tip of wun ballpoint pen.
Two sides to every story
wit wun special emphasis on da gray
so wit every line dat follows
dere’s no limitations
to wat I like say.
I got wun front row seat
to da golden shrine
and I stay sending out messages
while radiating in da glow.

Joe Balaz writes in Hawaiian Islands Pidgin (Hawai'i Creole English). He is the author of Pidgin Eye, a collection of poetry. The book was featured by NBC News for Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month in 2019. Balaz presently lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Joe recommends Shriners Hospitals for Children — Honolulu.