"immortality" and "m2"
dad is a shell
mom is fuzzy heart root
when the rain comes we drench together
when the sun is shining we are together
in the light
sometimes I bury them in the woods
to save them from trouble
I call them to hold hands and
whisper each other’s ears
dad and mom are whispering
earth is guarding them
we practice resurrection
they come out of the ground
wash their bodies
dress up and go to work
they call me Sunday saying
lunch is ready for Wednesday
they ask if I have anything to eat
then I invite them to the woods again
they say it’s awkward for them
but they will do it if I want to
since I love you I brush my teeth two times
a day cover the bed in the morning pull clean
socks without rushing without sweating
since I love you I am hardly late anymore
I tell my bike slow down
Rosalie since I love you I would leave
Europe with you pull my rooted feet out
if you can since I love you the stars fell on
Earth they are jewels on your sweet shortcake
coaster body since I love you I don’t remember
anything I have never loved anyone on poppy-shame
fields but since I love you I know it’s possible to step
form One to Two and then Two becomes One

Zsuka Nagy (b. 1977 in Nyíregyháza) is poet, writer, teacher, and author of four collections of poetry. She lives and works as a teacher in Nyíregyháza. She likes poetic images just as she likes riding her bicycle she calls Rozi. She is the recipient of several prizes.

Gabor G Gyukics (b. 1958) is a Hungarian-American poet, jazz poet, literary translator born in Budapest. He is the author of 11 books of original poetry, 6 in Hungarian, 2 in English, 1 in Arabic, 1 in Bulgarian, 1 in Czech and 16 books of translations including A Transparent Lion, selected poetry of Attila József and Swimming in the Ground: Contemporary Hungarian Poetry (in English, both with co-translator Michael Castro) and an anthology of North American Indigenous poets in Hungarian titled Medvefelhő a város felett. He writes his poems in English (which is his second language) and Hungarian. His latest book in English is a hermit has no plural (Singing Bone Press, 2015). His latest book in Hungarian was published by Lector Press in May 2018. Photo by Sándor Gyapjas.

Terri Carrion was conceived in Venezuela and born in New York to a Galician mother and Cuban father. Her work has appeared and disappeared in print and online.
She is co-founder of the global grassroots movement 100 Thousand Poets for Change.