"Heads or Tails," "The Scam of Love," and "I Don't Think So"
Heads or Tails
with all the horses
and suns crashing down the mountain behind me
I realized in horror
that all I ever wanted was to orchestrate
an international scheme
to take down the evil oligarchs and empirical villainy
like some hero from the movies
that’s why there are movies
to fool people,
keep them in their seats
as the horses feed
on popcorn, while
the sun anticipating
the flattest section of earth
to spin like a coin in space
until finally
with a faintly metallic ting
it all
comes to rest
The Scam of Love
She kissed me
Smooth, cool as whispers from a champagne flute
Then again I’m a little worried
My fuck finger looks a bit infected
But I do have high hopes
She’ll grow those incredible angelic wings
And fly me to that other place
Where skin doesn’t
Glisten as it
I Don't Think So
will there be poetry
when there are no longer flowers
when honeybees are extinct
the privileged
luxuriating deep underground in their silos
what about the great oaks and evergreens
the moss and ferns on the forest floor
lavender wisteria climbing the trellis
will there be any sense of smell at all
will there be poetry
when all the beaches, the sand reduced to ash
and all the bikinied women turned
to stone
will there be even caves to cower in
so we can rediscover our primitive nature
automated vehicles thrusting
through the soot-stained sky
occupants ensconced
in the Rolls Royce limousine
of time travel

Jay Passer's poetry first appeared in Caliban magazine in 1988, alongside the work of William S. Burroughs and Wanda Coleman. He is the author of 15 collections of poetry and prose and his work has been included in several anthologies as well as print and online publications worldwide. A debut novel, Squirrel, was released in 2022. A lifelong plebeian, Passer has labored as dishwasher, barista, soda jerk, pizza cook, housepainter, courier, warehouseman, news butcher and mortician's apprentice. Originally a native of San Francisco, Passer currently resides in Los Angeles, California. His latest collection of poems, Son of Alcatraz, released in 2024 by Alien Buddha Press, is available from Amazon.