From "Altering Internal Landscapes"
In pursuit of unearthing bodies of Energy
Artist Statement
Altering Internal Landscapes: In pursuit of unearthing bodies of Energy is a body of work that is the result of my research into areas of human rights abuses that stem from the practices and production of the oil and gas industry; specifically, their exploration of select geographical locations and the subsequent extraction of the resources “discovered” within these particular geological formations. This series is a visual representation of ecological trauma, it aims to highlight the dissection and destruction of a physical and psychological landscape, whose vulnerable and shifting body print can be traced and mapped by the scars of injury left on the environment and all who inhabit it.

Ana Hernandez is a painter and sculptor currently living and working in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a founding member of Level Artist Collective and a Joan Mitchell Foundation Artist-in-Residence recipient. Most notably, she has exhibited at The New Orleans Museum of Modern Art, Exhibit BE, Stella Jones Gallery, A Studio in the Woods, The Carroll Gallery at Tulane University, The Contemporary Art Center of New Orleans, The Ogden Museum of Southern Art, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, and The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education.