Yussef El Guindi

Yussef El Guindi is primarily a playwright. Recent productions include The Talented Ones at Artists Repertory Theatre in Portland (Santa Barbara Independent Indy Award); Our Enemies: Lively Scenes of Love and Combat at Golden Thread Productions (American Theatre Critics Association's M. Elizabeth Osborn Award); and Threesome at Portland Center Stage, ACT, and at 59E59 (winner of a Portland Drammy for Best Original Script). He has had stories published in Mizna and the Seattle Review; and plays published by Dramatists Play Service and Broadway Play Publishing Inc.
There was also some weird thrill — “thrill” is probably too strong a word — that Sam couldn’t articulate, but that nonetheless played around the edges of all this, and that was this affair was at least a distraction from the soul-draining boredom of living on a desolate planet.