Scott Holleran

Scott Holleran's writing has been published in media from the Advocate to the New York Times. Mr. Holleran interviewed Henry Reese, the 75 year-old scholar who saved Salman Rushdie from an assassin and he wrote the award-winning article “Roberto Clemente in Retrospect: Why Did ‘the Great One’ Go Down?” Scott Holleran’s short stories are featured in various anthologies and literary journals. Listen to him read his fiction at Read his non-fiction at Scott Holleran, who also dances and choreographs, lives in Southern California. Scott supports the Olivia Newton-John Foundation.
The third act begins with what’ll become Paul’s redeeming moment: entering the same classroom where he was first indoctrinated, lulled into romanticizing war and being an altruistic soldier. Paul decides to confront the teacher and new recruits and speak the truth.
My martyrdom is near. Here, in the darkness underground, except for the device in my hand and the daylight above, I kneel in prayer. When I stop writing, I will have posted this message.