Megan Denese Mealor

Megan Denese Mealor echoes and erases in her native land of Jacksonville, Florida. A survivor of bipolar disorder, she often incorporates her kaleidoscopic emotions into her writing. Her poetry and short fiction have been published in literary journals worldwide, most recently Ginosko Literary Journal, The Stray Branch, Eunoia Review, and Spillwords. Nominated twice fo the Pushcart Prize, she has authored three full-length poetry collections: Bipolar Lexicon (Unsolicited Press, 2018); Blatherskite (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, 2019); and A Mourning Dove's Wishbone (still in the works). Megan recommends the National Autism Association in honor of her beautiful son Jesse, who was diagnosed at age three.
I will take only my goldfish and my gun
(no suitcase can alleviate my tyrants)
I am filled with ghosts and bats and doctored apples
blowing up cobwebs with cannons