Jim Leftwich

Jim Leftwich is a poet who lives in Roanoke, Virginia. Recent publications include Volumes 1, 2 & 3 of Rascible & Kempt: Meditations & Explorations in and Around the Poem (Luna Bisonte 2016, 2017, edited by John M. and C. Mehrl Bennett); Tres tresss trisss trieesss tril trilssss: Transmutations of César Vallejo (also from Luna Bisonte, 2018); and Sound Rituals, collaborations with billy bob beamer published by Olchar Lindsann at mOnocle-Lash in 2018.
To set the process in motion I decide, arbitrarily, to use the three lines on page 62 as a post-snippet. Then, I begin at the bottom of page 61 and, working my way up to the title, arrive at the following poem: