Dominic Rivron

Dominic Rivron writes mainly short stories and poetry. He also writes reviews. His work has been published in a number of print and online magazines, including The Beatnik Cowboy, International Times, The Milk House, Fragmented Voices and Stride Magazine. He lives in the North of England. His blog can be found at Dominic recommends Care4Calais.
She said there were two policemen downstairs who wanted to see me. I dressed quickly and went down. They were waiting for me in the living room, one, the younger of the two, was sat on the settee, the other was standing, looking out of the window, his hands in the pockets of his overcoat.
I did as he suggested and the doctor reassured me: the bangs were not real. My brain was intact. He took my pulse and my blood pressure and declared them to be within acceptable limits. He said I had what he called Exploding Head Syndrome. He said it wasn’t serious.
Why had we followed it? Instinct, I suppose. It sounded beautiful. There were very few beautiful things around in those days.