David Fewster

David Fewster's most recent book is A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu or, GET OFF MY LAWN: New Poems and Old Ephemera (Couth Buzzard Press, 2021). He is also the author of The Diary of Nanette Jenkins Volume 1 (a tale of Old Seattle), a collection of comic vignettes originally published in Andrei Codrescu's Exquisite Corpse from 1995-2008.His poetic peregrinations and musical meanderings can be viewed on the FolksingersInHell youtube channel. He endorses Guadalupe House aka The Tacoma Catholic Worker.
As Howard gathered bags of marijuana and Etienne’s expensive
New scale
That he had stolen from Lady Snow’s,
I smeared my blood on the walls in a detached, tongue-in-cheek
One second they’re the Voice of New Seattle,
the next you’re at their goodbye party
as they leave for the new tech job,
program directorship, librarian gig, whatever,
in the next hip city on the circuit.