Bob Ritchie

Hailing from California, Bob Ritchie now lives on the lovely island of Puerto Rico, where he discovered, among other things, that wet heat is better than dry. He has a fantastic wife and as many as five kids. He does some editing, some teaching, some translating. Ritchie (as his wife calls him) is a musician who is fortunate enough to have collaborated with Jon Anderson. Bob (as he calls himself) is also a writer of stories. His work has appeared in Unlikely 2.0, Small Print Magazine, Prick of the Spindle, and other forums; two of his stories were nominated for the Pushcart prize. Bob recommends the Children's Literacy Initiative.
His hands had so many bumps and wrinkles that I was reminded of the roots of an ancient tree. But life! The left one flashed up and down the neck of the guitar. Scales. I recognized the pattern his fingers made: e-sharp minor. A theoretical key. One two three four; theoretically.